Louis Condé (louisconde@poa.st)'s status on Wednesday, 05-Apr-2023 22:38:15 JST
Louis CondéWhat made America a superpower was its logistics, in particular allocating its human capital. American dominance in the 20th century was because it had an exceptional system where teachers all across the country knew to look for exceptionally bright students, make note of it, and make sure they got on a pipeline to elite institutions like MIT or Stanford. If you look at a lot of people from places like Bell Labs, they came from small towns you never heard of like Columbus Nebraska, Petoskey Michigan, Farmville Virginia, or Visalia California. This pipeline got disrupted in the 1970s and we were coasting on inertia for some time, and now the pipeline has been completely blown up like Nordstream. This will cause a cascade of calamities as talented White men are frozen out for political reasons.