Is @Jonny alive, i havent seen him for ever.
@Jonny @Tadg_macNuadat @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @Jonny The reason I know Jonny was responsible is that he hasn't denied it. If someone accused me of something like that, my reaction would be "what are you talking about about." He's been dancing around it which means he probably was involved.
You are right sir! HEARTY FAT DRUNK GUY'S LAUGH,
@Tadg_macNuadat @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @DC5FAN @Jonny
Golf Cart Lady, do you have a license for this thing?
THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JOHNNY CARSON -- Pictured: (l-r) Announcer Ed McMahon, actress Mary Tyler Moore, host Johnny Carson on November 3, 1978-- (Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Images)
Serious people no. Serious meaning never enjoy a drink or buzz.
@Tadg_macNuadat @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @DC5FAN @Jonny
If I knew anything about AI, we could ask ChatGPT too draw a picture of Carson asking a guest (Hockey Doxie for example), how long did it take you too get your HR degree from Phoenix Online.
THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JOHNNY CARSON -- Pictured: (l-r) Announcer Ed McMahon and Miss Mary Storrs during an interview with Host Johnny Carson on February 15th, 1972 -- (Photo by: Fred Sabine/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via Getty Images via Getty Image…
You bad man😅
@ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @DC5FAN @Jonny
Do you think anyone on here takes drunk Jonny serious?
@DC5FAN @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @Jonny
Is it true or false that drunk Jonny hurt your feeling?
@DC5FAN @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @Jonny
Was I drunk and disorderly too Zealist? He has too know by now not too pay drunk Jonny no-nevermind.
@Jonny @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @Jonny Shut up you piece of shit nobody wants to hear about it. I'm tired of you using your alcoholism to be a fucking prick to people. Just because you are trying to be aw shucks now doesn't change the fact that you are a bully and a miserable piece of shit.
Wednesdays are contract days for roofing. You've got to hit the permit department, and possibly deal with legal issues. He was around a couple of days ago. Uber some good rum
@Tadg_macNuadat @Evil_Bender @Jonny Probably laying low because he bullied Zealist off the platform the other night during one of his drunken rampages.
do you skate?
@Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @DC5FAN @Jonny Can I write my thesis on the duality of Jonny Fever?
@HockeyDoxie @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @DC5FAN @Jonny
Can I write my Doctorate on the one track mind of Hockey Doxie?
@Jonny @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @DC5FAN @Jonny I'm two credits shy! I'll get it eventually!
@HockeyDoxie @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @Tadg_macNuadat @DC5FAN @Jonny
I’ll show you how too get your doctorates degree in HR studies.
@Tadg_macNuadat @ApocalyptoLatte1488 @Evil_Bender @DC5FAN @HockeyDoxie @Jonny
I have a bad knee.
Hold some open audtions. You are right, sir.
@Tadg_macNuadat @Evil_Bender @DC5FAN @Jonny
If you want the part, you got it.
You thought of it.
Do you have a McMahon?
@Tadg_macNuadat @Evil_Bender @DC5FAN @Jonny
Not that I know of.
Wow. This is a serious honor! Thank you sir. i don't need a passport to travel to hawaii either. I don't have a desire to either.