:pog_stare: Ah yes, I love having my sleep delayed by some futafag trying to insert futa stuff into MGE. Tried to explain to them why it just wouldn't work, but that failed so I just ended up banning them.
@Ronnie21093 :cirno_laugh: How idiotic do you have to be? I don't much care for some things in MGE's setting either, but y'know what I don't do? Forcibly insert my way in and insist the setting must change to fit my needs.
What is up with these kinds of people? How hard is it to consider that if a setting isn't ideal for what you want, you don't have to use it? Specifically with MGE too, this is a pretty set in stone world and passion project from a guy, it can't be that hard to consider it might not be suited to someone else's desires. Monster girls aren't all that rare a concept to begin with, it's not like it's all that hard to even make your own little world for OC stuff.
@Iffine @Ronnie21093 they could like... make their own monster girl setting. It's what I'm going to do.
But they're too lazy I guess.