@TeaTootler @suquili @Tony @daughterofgia @RealRaul They don't really leave the house much, that's why they're hard to find. They'll lonelypost online, but they're afraid of leaving their comfort zone. Going out with them is tough, they'll accept your invitation when the date is far enough away to not be real to them, and then cance/ghost you on the day of
You have to buttress your pursuit with family/friends/coworkers so that she's pushed into keeping the date, then you make her comfy, gaslight/manipulate her (lovingly, of course) and help her break out of that rut she made for herself.
I lucked out with coworkers and family helping to push us together. I know some guys in similar situations, where they're cool & charming to the point people decry their singledom and try to set them up with shy homebodies
If you know cool guys you can just ask if they have any girls in the family who "sleep in all the time and never leave the house", seems like most of the semi-conservative families have one or two in the datable range