He didn't really say anything objectionable
Anyone who's mad is being a libtard about it
- Weaf :jv::nv: likes this.
@monsterislandcolonizer when you’ve been around as long as JT I expect it’s pretty horrifying to see how fat and tattooed and otherwise unpleasant the average American has become in your lifetime. I’ve not been around half as long as him and I’m disgusted. And really, even if he likes to dodge the JQ which I strongly disagree with, this man has dedicated his life to advocating for white Americans and has been doing it since before most of us were born, hes earned the right to be treated with respect even if you disagree with what he said. acting like he’s a traitor for this is retarded.
@jimmybuffettfanaccount @monsterislandcolonizer If you love white people you can't be critical about white people because that must mean you hate them
@weaf @jimmybuffettfanaccount @monsterislandcolonizer if you love white people it's very important to go camera with an enemy and talk shit about rural whites based on a stupid shallow anecdote. that way everyone will know how smart you are
@deprecated_ii @weaf @monsterislandcolonizer Hannania is for sure our guy, nobody can advocate for neoliberalism so ghoulishly and obnoxiously while looking so freaky and not understand that he’s making “his” ideology look terrible in the process. have some respect for a deep cover double agent.