This is why I say Team B is making a mistake.
You can't firewall racial thinking to focus on the 'bad races' the jews want to attack only. That's why the neocons called Islam the 'religion of peace' and countersignaled any attempt by racialists to make it about hating Arabs.
Behind the scenes Team A is DMing them, 'I told you so.'
@judgedread @NoDoxGregBrady It's a forced error though, the whole H1B thing is not leaving them much choice, given that the Indians are openly planning to imitate the AIPAC/dual citizen strategy and the whole idea of using them as a bludgeon is starting to blow up in the jew's faces. At least the arabs know how to keep mum about their plans, but the Indian love of hubris as a social weapon is outing the scheme in a way that implodes the whole strategy.