The MAGA movement is a hollowed out corpse of what it was nearly a decade ago. All that's there today is deracinated upper middle class boomers, gays, black/brown "manosphere" types, rightoid radfems and jews. Like a squirming pile of maggots where an army of White men once stood. Makes sense that a huckster conman like Musk saddles his wagon to them, he clearly sees MAGA as a vehicle to import a billion cheap Indian tech workers.
The jews gave him a phone call yesterday to stop antagonizing White men because they need one more war for Israel fought. But his mask off moment on Christmas will be remembered. Once the jews have their war, White men will be completely expelled from the republican party to make it purely a vehicle for international capital with no ostensible notions of nationalism or Christianity. Both the Democrats and GOP will go full mask-off as zionist neoliberal anti-White parties.
@JuicyGothMommyFeet @deprecated_ii
They're too arrogant and stupid to recognize how dangerous pissed-off white Americans can be without their containment.
he chose his side
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