Our entire political class is united around the premise that white middle and working class people are scum and deserve to be ground into the dust. Whether they're Jews, third-worlders, Affirmative Action babies, or white mercenaries looking to make a quick buck, they all agree that ordinary white people are bad and undeserving of sympathy or compassion, to the point where Trump even feigning this for his own gain made them collectively go berserk.
So I guess we're doing Luigi Nazbol Gang now. :luigi_shell:
@ArdainianRight and they wont see any sympathy or compassion from us
i'm fine with total war against non whites, what do we have to lose?
@ArdainianRight ideologies and what not are for comfy arm chair mofos that can afford it
we're quickly running out of that decadent bs
is the lawyer class and their pets really worth holding onto?
Not really. I just think Luigi memes are funny and Nazbol sounds cool.
@ArdainianRight i love the fear that its generated and the wake up call to shit fucks
>wait you all dont love us?
>>no, in fact we dont care if you get shot indiscriminately on the street
you know who would do this work for cheap, feral ghetto nogs
But would they be able to hit their target?