> "equality"
Do you mean equity/"equality of outcome"?
@Sui @UnCL3 @koropokkur
Leftism took over the West, and now the West has fallen.
Connect the dots.
Leftism is the same as rightism, it's all the same game and the same people pull the strings on both sides. Globohomo, bipartisan, took over the west and now it has fallen.
> Approximately 1/2 of the USA population is down with all of this abomination of a society. Look at rw opposition
Even for something like the election, which is almost impossible to avoid in the US, only 150m voted. And that wasn't for a side, it was mostly just I don't like those other guys or what I've heard they're about. 90m were eligible and didn't vote, the majority chose not to participate in the theatrics at all. 77m won "the popular vote" against 90m. So I repeat, most people just want to be left the fuck alone. The left v right narrative is what they want you to think, they want us all divided so that we're easier to control.
It depends what you mean by USA, it's not very united y'know? If you mean the government, then they're all evil (by most definitions of evil at least) imo. The people.. I think mostly just want to live their lives and not get fucked with, which is ~neutral/good right? Unless you consider them evil for doing nothing against the evils committed in their name... It's all nuanced and very wordfaggy.
"The people.. I think mostly just want to live their lives and not get fucked with..."
Not really, respectfully disagree. Approximately 1/2 of the USA population is down with all of this abomination of a society. Look at rw opposition in the public space, and you see them trying to force bullshit on fellow citizens who do NOT want to play Fantasy Island any more.
So, for those people and all politicians and jews...GTFO.
And that's putting it mildly.
"Good and evil are very subjective terms and change all the time..."
Yes. I used to think the USA was "good". Now I know better.
yes. good is evil, black is white. they always invert the terms so as to confuse and obfuscate their anti-social intentions.
the same ideology as the sodomites that God sublimated for their singul ways.
Good and evil are very subjective terms and change all the time, both on a micro and macro scale, but yeah they can't even define "woman" anymore because they've tried to change so many fucking definitions over the past decade or two. If you're going to play identity politics then just admit it at least be honest. "I'm anti racist, kill all white people" just gives me a fucking headache, I hope they all die painfully.
It's all the same. "Equality" is only "proven" by "equality" of outcome.
Equality of opportunity is mutually exclusive from equity, the socialists just like to pretend it doesn't exist or is somehow "anti-equality". It's kind of like how they call themselves liberals, yet are anti-liberal (by definition) in every single way possible.
people that want to institutionalize trannies vs. people that want trannies running the institutions.