@LukeAlmighty@matrix Generally the only thing compelling doctors to perform abortions is when there is a clear risk of life to the mother in an emergency, and even then, the ones who have objections to it religiously or w/e probably just call in another doctor to perform it.
but if you aren't ready to perform abortions, you shouldn't go to midwifery
but I only ever heard about "I don't wanna do abortions :'(" from really young people who are only considering medical college; if my main is to be believed, everyone stops giving shit about death by year 4
@LukeAlmighty@matrix it wouldn't, because this is not about cells or children or actually saving lives: it's fully about asserting control over women and their bodies, because tradfags are really salty that they're denied their "rightful property"
@matana@matrix Do you realize, that there would be 1/10th of the anti-abortion sentiment, if advocates just stopped with the "clump of cells" disrespectful language?
@matana@LukeAlmighty@matrix I'm only pro-choice because of practical and demographic reasons, morally I recognize that pro-life side has the high ground. The West can't really afford excessive morality nowadays tho.
@matrix@LukeAlmighty It varies from country to country to what extent doctors can opt out of providing medical services that violate their faith or conscience. I do know that in the US there are plenty of people who DO want to force doctors to at the very least facilitate abortion:
>Reproductive rights organizations, such as Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America, oppose the provision because they maintain that pharmacists, doctors, and hospitals have a professional duty to fulfill patients' legal medical needs, regardless of their own ethical stances.
@VidMasterEon@LukeAlmighty@matana@matrix Also true. If women having abortions are baby-killers, why on earth would you expect them to become good mothers just because they were denied the chance to commit such a crime? What are the odds that such women (even the White ones) will on average produce and raise the kind of kids that would make a country better, rather than worse? Even accepting that women are more malleable and have their moral character shaped by society more easily than men, this would seem like a major issue.
@ChristiJunior@LukeAlmighty@matana@matrix Im not "pro-choice" im pro eugenics The people chopping up their children in the womb for funsies are not people you want contributing to the gene pool anyway
@VidMasterEon@ChristiJunior@LukeAlmighty@matana@matrix also, a lot of Whites are becoming jew-woke and less willing to fight in some foreign hellhole for legalized buttsex in the third world, so they're hopefully damned no matter what the ruling on abortion happens to be in the future. guess they're stuck with their lgbtqwerty nigger army. 🤣
@ChristiJunior@matana@matrix@VidMasterEon Also valid. My entire point was, just that nothing triggers a father more, then when you dance on grave of his son with such a bad line as "well, was he ever really alive?"
@LukeAlmighty@matana@matrix@VidMasterEon The fact that in so many countries, men are on the hook for 18 years if the woman decides to keep the baby, yet have no recourse if the woman decides to kill it, is beyond disgusting.
Who the fuck spoke about rightful property, what are you going on about? You really think anti-abortion people are so because they want to control a woman's body? For what? To get sex? Just get another woman. To humiliate the woman? Why humiliate the mother of your baby?
Nobody cares about controlling women any more, you gals are fucking your lives up just fine on your own with this nonsense. The goal nowadays for men who want children is to find a woman that is not nuts. You're not helping
And while I'm at it and you talking about rightful property, that baby is partly the man's cause you didn't make it all on your lonesome. So the man should have an amount of say on what happens to it (gasp).
If men could have babies in their own bodies they most definitely would. Trust me.
@ChristiJunior@LukeAlmighty@matana@matrix If Tykweezha getting multiple abortions is so monstrous, how can mandatory sterilization (of sheboons, during the abortion procedure) somehow be more objectionable?
I'm not pro-aborting niglets (aka future criminals) but I am pro-prevention of excess niglets (aka future criminals).