Why, you may ask, because all those niggers will be broke in a year. They'll buy nice houses, cars, and all the stupid shit they couldn't afford, and then in a year's time, when they have to pay taxes on all that stupid nigger rich shit, and all their money is spent, it'll hit them. When their houses need repairs, they won't know what the fuck to do because they don't have a landlord to call maintenance for them. All that money will flow right back the fuck out. Yeah, there will be a few that invest wisely and spend frugally, but they will be far and few between, and chances are they'll be robbed by niggers because the only thing holding niggers down are niggers.
@PhenomX6 it's been happening for decades. When I was a kid, we'd pass by the government housing, and all these niggers would have big screen TVs and other shit they can't afford while living on welfare. They'd do that EZ Credit and finance everything, but never pay their bills.
After Hurricane Katrina, Brad Pitt gave the niggers in New Orleans hundreds, maybe even upwards of a thousand, free houses. Within 5 years every single one of those houses were in disrepair and the niggers no longer living in them because they had to pay taxes.
The housing bubble crash in 2008 was mostly niggers defaulting on their loans. Because it was racist to deny niggers home loans.