- matrix07012 :thotpatrol: likes this.
@sun @hfaust I'm referring to the last time they sounded the alarms and deceptively went with "RIGHT WING TERRORISM UP 200%!!!!" when it went from double digit... to staying double digit
They counted the pulse shooting, which the shooter had islamic reasons to do it, and other weird stuff like that las vegas shooting that we knew nothing about for forever. The former which heavily inflated the numbers too. The whole thing was heavily dishonest back then too
And yes I know you're meme'ing about THAT
@coolboymew @hfaust I meant that any time a jewish NGO inflates numbers about hate crimes or something, someone is going to mention holocaust numbers so why do they bring that on
@coolboymew @hfaust don't say it don't say it don't say it
>ADL heavily inflating the numbers of something again through a deceptive bullshit
@sun @hfaust The ADL is heavily retarded and Jewish organisations are basically used to ruling with an iron fist and in this age of basically immediately milking the cash cow out of any sort of tragedy this makes them look bad, fast
They really need to fucking control their shit and havily change strategies because if anything they're they're the #1 source of antisemitism
@sun @coolboymew @hfaust How can anybody still work for this outfit and not be embarrassed by how their data is presented
@pingviini @coolboymew @hfaust their logic is so faulty and deliberately deceptive. Here's an example using the same rules as Pepe, using their own list of hate symbols, but that they didn't include because it would demonstrate how silly they are: