salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:42:29 JST salty_apollyon
what is this fucking timeline dude
I DON'T LIKE IT :akko_scream:
image.png- luithe, チャガタイくん@喜多川海夢推し and Ene like this.
SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:42:36 JST SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp:
@rlier23 I was born on the wrong side of the ocean. luithe likes this. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:42:37 JST salty_apollyon
@Shadowbroker2135 so was i m8
so was i
hey at least we can move there right? :akko_tired:luithe likes this. -
SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:42:39 JST SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp:
@rlier23 I'll be happy to visit, but I don't think I could live there without annoying the local populace. luithe likes this. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:42:42 JST salty_apollyon
@Shadowbroker2135 go live in a small rural town that's at the brink of dying im sure a young man would be welcomed there
even more if you go with the spirit of helping themluithe likes this. -
SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:52:41 JST SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp:
@rlier23 >young man
I'm also on the wrong side of 30luithe likes this. -
Roadie Yukari :4chan: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:53:18 JST Roadie Yukari :4chan:
@rlier23 AW WHAT? THAT DRAG SHIT WAS OFFICIAL!?!?! luithe likes this. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:53:22 JST salty_apollyon
>he doesn't know how bad things are at the jap studios
:keku:luithe likes this. -
luithe ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 09:53:35 JST luithe
@rlier23 @Rhodesian_YuKari you mean square enix and Capcom -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:00:46 JST salty_apollyon
@luithe @Rhodesian_YuKari put nintendo there too luithe likes this. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:30 JST salty_apollyon
@M_39 @DEERBLOOD @Shadowbroker2135 i've unironically had this happen to me once
>at the street market with mom buying shoes
>wearing mask because im sick
>hair is not tied
>mom talking with the guy that's selling the shoes
>they start talking about family
>the guy says to my mom "and who is that pretty lady that came with you today"
>mom tells him it's me
>everyone including me in shock
0cad58eab1fa3e56a92891b1fe5eb3d87b96d387bebcb0482f41abda1edd83da.mp4luithe likes this. -
Fenix ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:30 JST Fenix
@rlier23 @DEERBLOOD @Shadowbroker2135 @M_39 Salty is a trap?????? :awoo_bell: luithe likes this. -
M_39 ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:31 JST M_39
@rlier23 @DEERBLOOD @Shadowbroker2135 haha hey young lady :groomjak: -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:32 JST Pride of Utopia
@Shadowbroker2135 @rlier23 I'm 33 and people tell me I look 25, 26
😎😭 -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:32 JST salty_apollyon
@DEERBLOOD @Shadowbroker2135 in in my early twenties and people often either confuse me for a girl or a 16 year old
03fbef22f6532ab953837938f74d4b8381ca7d772df05aeaefe28f87511cbef4.mp4 -
pyrate : sleigh captain ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:57 JST pyrate : sleigh captain
They certainly seem to be on an accelerated memefare cycle. -
:nv:hedinja ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:57 JST :nv:hedinja
@pyrate @rlier23 @Shadowbroker2135 I haven't been able to keep up with their slang since 2019 -
pyrate : sleigh captain ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:57 JST pyrate : sleigh captain
yup and Im at a disadvantage because I don't even get on tiktok -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:57 JST salty_apollyon
@pyrate @Shadowbroker2135 @shedinja who in their right mind uses tiktok? luithe likes this. -
salty_apollyon ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:58 JST salty_apollyon
@Shadowbroker2135 shit i guess i projected a bit to hard there :kek_pain:
still im pretty sure they'd call you at least sir over there -
SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:58 JST SnowBroker:nv::pondering_orb::njp:
@rlier23 I work with a zoomer that's 19 and everyday he says something that makes me feel ancient -
:nv:hedinja ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:04:58 JST :nv:hedinja
@Shadowbroker2135 @rlier23 It's okay, I'm a zoomer and the stuff other zoomers say makes me feel ancient -
luithe ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:05:32 JST luithe
@Azur_Fenix @rlier23 @DEERBLOOD @M_39 @Shadowbroker2135 maybe if the trap is a buffed Latino dude :kekw: -
Fenix ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 10:39:42 JST Fenix
@luithe @DEERBLOOD @M_39 @Shadowbroker2135 @rlier23 *Disappointed meme here* luithe likes this. -
𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕓:garfield: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 16:43:05 JST 𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕓:garfield:
@rlier23 japan thinks we want this
they also thought we would want forespoken
our reputation is worse than i imaginedHeavens Feel likes this. -
Your New Kemono Waifu :verified: :cornbread_the_cat: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 16:44:12 JST Your New Kemono Waifu :verified: :cornbread_the_cat:
@rlier23 I want Japanese advertising pls Heavens Feel likes this. -
Suzu :miku_happy: ('s status on Thursday, 23-Mar-2023 20:03:21 JST Suzu :miku_happy:
@rlier23 yeah, and it worked wonders for them. I think it peaked as 600 viewers or so, the Japanese video had literally 100 times more viewers. Heavens Feel likes this. -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Saturday, 25-Mar-2023 01:55:31 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@Rasterman @ChristiJunior @rlier23 To this point I haven't really seen poz in Octopath 2. Squeenix is still a terrible company. -
Rasterman ('s status on Saturday, 25-Mar-2023 01:55:36 JST Rasterman
@ChristiJunior @rlier23 They have learnt nothing and shall be humbled for their arrogance. -
Rasterman ('s status on Saturday, 25-Mar-2023 01:55:37 JST Rasterman
@rlier23 The Japanese are so respectful they just go along with it. That's very bad. luithe repeated this. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Saturday, 25-Mar-2023 01:55:37 JST Christi Junior
@Rasterman @rlier23 Capcom have explicitly laid out their plans for the future: Everything that's good and Based they will avoid, everything that's evil or Cringe, they will go for: likes this. -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 00:51:51 JST Christi Junior
@Rasterman @ArdainianRight @rlier23 Indeed. I've bashed the HD-2D style multiple times, and the 8 separate stories basically just mean there's no greater, overarching story with real buildup and big stakes, and that there's barely any meaningful interactions between the characters. In conversation permalink -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 00:51:51 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@ChristiJunior @Rasterman @rlier23 There are stories in which two different characters work together on something and have some interactions, so there are more interactions, as well as more optional conversations, but the dynamic is still mostly the same. In conversation permalink -
Rasterman ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 00:51:52 JST Rasterman
@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @rlier23 Nostalgia-pandering gave us Mario Maker. Please stop hating videogames, Mr. Linder Junior. :loli_pray: In conversation permalink -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 00:51:52 JST Christi Junior
@Rasterman @ArdainianRight @rlier23 Mario Maker is actually a giant improvement on stuff like New Super Mario Bros, because it lets you do so much stuff that Nintendo themselves never bothered to do with 2D Mario. It doesn't actually rely on nostalgia to be good, that's just an added bonus, and it pushes 2D Mario forward rather than just rehashing the glory days.
Octopath isn't as good as either the better new JRPGs, OR the better classic ones. Nostalgia-pandering holds the game back in terms of graphics, while its one big new idea is a net negative.In conversation permalink -
Rasterman ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 00:51:52 JST Rasterman
@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @rlier23 So basically you don't like the graphics or the new gimmick of playing eight stories? In conversation permalink -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 00:51:53 JST Christi Junior
@ArdainianRight @Rasterman @rlier23 I guess that's the upside to nostalgia-pandering, even Squeenix remembers that the classic SNES JRPGs weren't filled with faggots and trannies - except for comic relief and villains like Flea from Chrono Trogger. Obviously, that kind of "LGBTQA+" representation won't fly today. In conversation permalink -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 01:03:59 JST Christi Junior
@Rasterman @ArdainianRight @rlier23 I have a lot of hot SNES takes if you'd be interested in hearing them :smug6: In conversation permalink -
Ardainian Hebrew Israelite ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 01:03:59 JST Ardainian Hebrew Israelite
@ChristiJunior @Rasterman @rlier23 Just don't diss Kirby Super Star or A Link to the Past. In conversation permalink -
Rasterman ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 01:04:00 JST Rasterman
@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @rlier23 But HD-2D is awesome. In conversation permalink -
Christi Junior ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 01:04:00 JST Christi Junior
@Rasterman @ArdainianRight @rlier23 It fucking sucks :loli_dab:
Look, some SNES games still look good today (Super Metroid), some even still look gorgeous (Yoshi's Island). Some however look like absolute dogshit (Super Mario RPG), and while JRPG classics like Chrono Trigger have held up a lot better than that particular game visually, its graphics sure aren't a selling point today. And HD-2D games barely look better than said SNES JRPGs, despite being full-price modern games.In conversation permalink -
Rasterman ('s status on Sunday, 26-Mar-2023 01:04:00 JST Rasterman
@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight @rlier23
Super Nintendo hater detected. :emergency2:
Disappointment is infinite. :fuckthisimout:
Social credit gone. 📉
blitz-level bad take. Arrest him. :robocop:In conversation permalink