If you do a deep dive, confurence 8 was when the scene was starting to get bad.
Even in 2013 I remember at a con some oldfags talking about just how the fandom was shifting towards cancer/the lifestylers (a oldfag term for the average furry today, those who are just in it for the sex/a prepackaged lifestyle of nothing) in a shuttle, and then I went to a con a few years later and it was so cancerous I swore I would never touch the furcon circuit again.
No really, at that con there was an incident in which two furries in "pup gear" were pretending to fuck on the con floor and it caught on camera.
The other thing I recall from this era was that there was a lot of trannyfa virtue signaling (antifa and suicide flag badges were common), and anyone against it would not stand up for obvious reasons: it was obvious who controlled the show at this point and a few months before/around the same time some boomer spilled spaghetti trying to fail protest a con. The Twitter furry mob (just like Tumblr's mob) got results and got him banned from that con. Of course this was all before the vaccine shit.
Also worth noting was there was a Bad Dragon table at the con with everyone swarming around it to collect free stickers (because the BD logo is a subtle way of signaling your fandom affiliation, more furries own the stickers), and a fucking diaper booth in the same room (which checked your ID before you went in).
Wanna know what nobody gave a shit about? The oldfags. The oldfags like Eric Schwartz are nothing to the new generation. It's not like they were any good (and his publisher's table had nobody giving a shit), but it's interesting to see as he came from the old school "nerd autist" part and had a name for himself in the Amiga scene. The younger generation isn't a part of the nerdy thing unless it's about buying flashy idevices, see protogens and who uses them (they're for zoomers).
Here's the thing, many of the people branded as such and in that circle literally either had the same political views as the average Gateway Pundit reader or Tucker Carlson watcher or Beck/Hannity/Rush listener, or they were fence sitters who hated the mainstream fandom who ended up having to lip service the winning side to avoid losing art commissions (which happens anyway when you're canceled because your ex is a shithead). No really, the mainstream furry fandom being centralized on Twitter could get results easily by using blocklists, and making sure anyone who pandered to furries couldn't make money in the fandom as artists found it hard to gain traction if every furry is avoiding you.
They then doubled down by harassing any artist who would make art for someone who they hated, usually by stalking people they hate obsessively and then whining to the artists (this happened to Rags and many other nobodies). The end goal is to make it impossible to get art (which is seen as important in that scene) without only being able to commission random third worlders and "anonymous commissions" (which usually are reserved for fetishes/topics the artist sees as weird), and they'd not have that if they could influence them too. Why do you think that you know, more creative artists began to have to pander to non furries and shed the furry identity?
It's especially moreso nowadays, I know one who fell for qoomerism and hanging around the wrong people and he's a naive 30something year old who acts like a boomer online. If you talk to him he's a naive depressed loser who wants to be in the old fandom as it was pre-Trump/Twitter, but the Twitter furries act like he's literally Hitler 2 and he's going to be gassing the troons tomorrow. The punchline is that troons and unstable women called up his family to tell them about his fetishes. It's not their problem, they probably disowned their parents.
i guess that explains "nazifurs" or whatever as just oldfags