cjd ('s status on Tuesday, 08-Oct-2024 03:17:12 JST cjd
Telegram is not "encrypted" in any meaningful sense of the word. You can FORCE it to setup an encrypted chat, but that's not only person-to-person, but actually device-to-device, so it doesn't share the conversation even between your phone and computer.
It acts roughly as a front office for the Russian mafia, allowing Kremlin authorized criminal enterprises to interface with their customers.
Lastly, Durov is not in any way a dissident, he is fully integrated in the Russian oligarchy. He projects himself as an outsider in much the way Elon Musk projects himself as an outsider of the US oligarchy despite being the defacto administrator of the US space program.- † top dog :pedomustdie: likes this.
Strypey ('s status on Tuesday, 08-Oct-2024 03:17:14 JST Strypey
#Telegram always smelt like a honeypot to me;
* centralised, tick (like Signal)
* encryption doesn't work for groups, only 1:1, tick (like Signal)
* opt-in E2EE for 1:1 chats while heavily promoted as "encrypted messenger", tick (unlike Signal)
* Roll-Your-Own cryptography, tick (maybe like Signal, but crucially...)
* no source code published for server, so no independent auditing of cryptographic primitives or implementations, tick (unlike Signal)
I can't fathom why anyone uses it.
Strypey ('s status on Tuesday, 08-Oct-2024 03:17:15 JST Strypey
"Indeed, it no longer feels amusing to see the Telegram organization urge people away from default-encrypted messengers, while refusing to implement essential features that would widely encrypt their own users’ messages. In fact, it’s starting to feel a bit malicious."
#MatthewGreen, 2024
Strypey ('s status on Tuesday, 08-Oct-2024 03:17:16 JST Strypey
Great post, hits the nail right on the head. Thanks for sharing this @rysiek.
This kind of journalistic malpractice is usually caused by ignorance, in which case they need to be called in and patiently educated. But in some cases I think there is an intent to mislead, by people who ought to know better. They need to be contacted in private and given a chance to retract and apologise, and if they don't, they need to be publicly called out on their wilful malpractice.