@judgedread I don't know if there can be non anti-Jew right of center. Seems like one would almost always be pro or anti. Jews occupy so many important positions of power, figure so prominently in media, culture, politics, finance, and are apt to be in people's faces blabbing their opinions I would think it would be nearly impossible to be Jew neutral.
It also seems that the only way for American right of center types to ultimately be pro-Jew is if they carry a heavy load of white guilt and an abiding concern about the Holocaust. Circumstances are seriously eroding white guilt, and the passage of time is doing the same for the West's Holocaust obsession. People are noticing, and fewer people give a shit about gas chambers every day.
If this is really Vance's job, he has a seriously hard row to hoe.
@Charles_in_Charge @judgedread A perilous path. The people I know that represent the demographic he was put into place to reach... that group think Blacks Are Good and Jews Are Smart.
They struggle with Kanye West and Candace Owens. I was talking with one who flat out denied that it was possible that Sean Combs was raping men on camera for blackmail, because that would be mean, and Black People aren't mean (they're super nice but in a good way).
His job is to approach the group who were taught to worship niggers, and redefine the worship back to the jew. Our Greatest Ally and They Are A Very Smart People They Should Be Proud Of Their Accomplishments...
It's a hard sell. If they're as smart as they tell us they are, why are they attacking the niggers for saying they own the Music Industry (omg it is so true).
Why not just acknowledge that they own the Music Industry, Hollywood, Academia, Wall Street, most CEO and corporate leadership, the entire government...
Bam, smack into the issue. If they allow any attention at all to be called to race and the jew, The Noticing blows the roof off. They run everything, no exceptions.
So he's got to sell the jew as the helpless funny little friend who deserves a homeland (unlike those fucking Whites hawktuah) and whom we have a duty to protecc
He did good in that debate, but he's not going to sell The Jew Is The Good Guy. Wait until the Appalachian Hillbilly is asked why the government is confiscating food and allowing the Appalachian Hillbillies to die from the hurricane aftermath. He might be able to deflect to Muh Democrats, but he won't be able to unfuck the Let The White People Die Fuck Them outcome.
J.D. Vance isn't just there to shill for jew wars, his job is to carve out a non-anti-jew right wing ideology to condition White men to protect jews when shit gets hot.