I get that none of you has taken a basic incident management course, but no, the government doesn't like random people showing up at a major without having accountability for them because they can easily get themselves hurt and need to use those resources. It's completely acceptable to help those who have been hit by it but are no longer in immediate danger.
As nice as it is to see people actually wanting to help others, if it just puts them in danger or clogs up LOC's, then they're not really helping.
- Weaf :jv::nv: likes this.
@NotImportant If you want to define things that way, then the incident was already being managed by the people on the ground and the government dipshits who showed up should've been hat in hand asking what they needed.
Of course the government is going to have to be involved. The government itself is the biggest obstacle to recovery, and government interference both past and present will contribute about 95% to the total cost. Nothing can happen without the bloated leech of the government taking its cut. That does not make it a good thing.
The very problems you're citing in terms of producing goods were caused directly by the US government over the last several decades.
@deprecated_ii @NotImportant If you look at the actions of actually competent governments that are supposedly more corrupt than the US federal government (eg. Russia) they will delegate decision making to the local level to deal with these kind of things. They even allowed various border oblasts to raise territorial defense units to help fight off any incursions from the war.
The US federal government is the most inept state at dealing with anything that isn't sending bombs to israel. It's really no wonder why there are so many libertarian retards here when the government is a textbook example of a kleptocracy and has been since any of us were born, the idea of a government that isn't comically inept is unthinkable.
@wgiwf @deprecated_ii @NotImportant It's feelin' like another "Americans hate government because they're bad at it" kinda day, kinda week, kinda year, kinda decade, kinda century.
@NotImportant This is frankly very naive. I have been involved in government organizations and I know exactly how it goes. They want to have control of the whole situation, and it doesn't matter if they're incapable of actually managing it. Bureaucratic bullshit takes precedence over actually getting things done 100% of the time.
If FEMA, TEMA, the NC equivalent, etc. didn't exist the recovery would still happen without them. If it takes them 5 days to show up and then they want to take charge, the locals would be better off without their "help".
However do you suppose anything got done before "incident management" faggotry came along?
@deprecated_ii Not much did. Incident management is obviously a catch all term for actions taken by the government as well as the term we use for the response. And it's not just FEMA either. This a large scale operation that will involve both public and private sectors. My upcoming work weekend is going to involve making crap to send to all the areas effected and they're extremely expensive. This can't be solved by people volunteering, as much as I wish it could. This is going to require a lot of people getting paychecks, and Uncle Sam is the only one with pockets that big.
Of course there will be bureaucracy and incompetence throughout the whole thing, that's a given. The whole thing is already a political talking point to grandstand on by talking heads. Can regular people do stuff to help and even improve the lives of the people affected? Yes, but they do not have the resources to fix this. The truth is the government is the only one who has a chance to manage it. As shitty as the systems in place may be, or how stupid or power hungry the government mangers are, they are the only ones with the resources and time to fix this.
It's completely fine to bitch about the government's mismanagement and complete unpreparedness. The gov sending the TNNG to the middle east just as this started is insane. But that doesn't mean those on the ground who are trained and experienced are out to get people. Are there power tripping firefighters/cops/first responders. Yes, and they should have some maturity and stop to talk to the people who are coming to help about why the system is the way it is and direct them to people they can help.