@p You put the instance on Gopher. You mad scientist. Now my question would be what's the best way to access Gopher these days? I used to know a Firefox plugin for it but I think it stopped working.
@rasterman Well, technically that is lain's doing; I just enabled it. lynx supports gopher, I think elinks does too. There's a gopher browser for Plan 9 at https://github.com/telephil9/gopher . If you don't have any of those, you can probably just boot an old enough live CD im qemu, Firefox *used* to support gopher; try something pre-2009, I think 3.6 was when they removed all the cool shit.
@p@rasterman Yeah, they dropped support in 4.0, but there's been OverbiteFF which performs well but also got broken once they removed XUL add-on support. For a while it worked on SeaMonkey (not anymore) and it still works on Male Poon. With that said, pleromer's gopher server is a huge DoS vector, intentional or not, since there's zero caching or ratelimiting, and you can't even notice it most of the time as requests aren't getting logged.
@mint@rasterman Yeah, I think I mentioned this but we got DoS'd by that search engine (accidenatally, probably, since they were probably used to indexing really simple sites; FSE might be the world's largest gopher site).
@rasterman has been here since 2018 and FSE has had gopher enabled since gopher support was added (~2020) and he apparently just found out about it so I guess we've got security by obscurity on our side. It's not hard to force gopher through a bottleneck (or turn it off altogether) if it becomes a problem, but I wanna avoid that if possible. dmx--where_the_hood_at.mp3