I think his mother and two siblings still live around where I grew up. Last I heard this friend had moved on to a town a few miles out into the sitcks. Hope he wifed up.
That is really cool, did they ever share their cultural food with you? I have a pelmeni mold and I bake piroshky occasionally.
I read a book about Russian vampires in middle school. The main character was a half vampire Bodyguard for her bestie, a vampire Russian Princess. I seriously thought it was the coolest thing ever and became obsessed with Russia 😅 I never met a Russian until my early adult years and he was our "crazy Russian friend" since his favorite pastime was buying any and every animal off craigslist for cheap and butchering it to eat. I've had half-hearted attempts over the years but I think Duolingo has improved their Russian language course a lot to the point I can actually retain knowledge and sound things out. Most of my vocabulary has come from music though
Not so much on the food. I remember they were pretty poor living off of savings and trying to keep the house. A lot of their food was pre-packaged slop, sadly. I think they would sometimes make their own stuff but I remember the house always being kind of a mess.
It was whatever because we could go off and do crazy shit and sometimes be bullies. 😈
Bullies 😂 lol that's cool though, any way of tracking him down? So this new hospital I'm being sent to has a large amount of Russians living there. There are signs in Russian in the lobby and translators. I found some Russian churches nearby too. I thought it was pretty cool to see that instead of everything in Spanish
I've been learning Russian on and off for years. It's a hard language and I do myself a disservice when I take long breaks. Listening to Russian music helps since I have a decent vocabulary. If you get Duolingo they have the option to study the alphabet and learn each individual letter. I found that more helpful than watching Russian children's shows and nursery rhymes.
I haven't even started it. I grew up with a friend from there and his family would still converse in fluent russian. They left the soviet union after the collapse. I just hope they are well, but since then hearing it brings back fond memories.