Remember that if a failed Austrian painter who got hooked on antisemitic newspapers and a failed Chinese bureaucrat who thought he was Jesus's brother could both rise to power and start wars that killed tens of millions in the middle of tumultuous times, anyone can do it, with a little luck and charisma, even extremely online retards who post anime waifus and racist memes. If you believe in yourself, you never know just how much you can accomplish.
Most chuds aren't. It only takes one guy to rally people to his cause. Also our surveillance apparatus is bloated and retarded. Extremely tech-reliant, too. Any kind of intelligent meatspace organizing of disaffected white dudes could well fly under the radar because most feds are fat retards who spend all day monitoring social media. The bigger obstacle is probably how much of the general population is also fat retards who spend all day on social media.
1. Weeaboo e-chuds aren't charismatic
2. Our current surveillance apparatus makes getting that off the ground extremely difficult
@ArdainianRight @mrsaturday I've thought about this quite a bit. America's federalist structure makes it naturally resilient to radicalism, but also provides for a natural path to power for competent people who know how to make friends and entrench themselves, and can prove themselves to be better leadership than the feds. A local authority has a lot more power than he would in Europe, ditto a state governor.
It's for this reason that state governorships are so closely-guarded by the regime, but all we need is for one good guy to break through, and we get fifty chances every four years.