I would Link some examples but honestly just fricking Go there yourself, it's literally all over the frontpage, on a 100 fricking thousand large subplebbit and the Admins are doing NOTHING.
remember, r/drama got banned but these BIPOCs can just continue to roll. Some screenshots I guess.
16 year old girl, obviously naked though nothing "explicit" is shown, doing Ahegao face...
500 Up votes, up for 10 months, obvious pedophilia
13 year old doing yoga poses I guess, 70 comments, still up.
I don't even wanna show anything else cause frick me what the fricking heck. AND OF COURSE THEY HAVE A GROOMERCORD PINNED AT THE TOP
And look at their fricking Subreddit pic, WITH THE FRICKING :marseytrain2: AND LGBT FLAG YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP
!chuds we need to genuinely do something about these open Pedos and their 6 figure subreddit, if anyof you have any idea how to report these cute twinks to the feds (I am not American) or maybe forward this to some non r-slurred Journos to expose Peddo Reddit leaving this be, please suggest it in the comments. I'm genuinely fuming.