@ninja8tyu pls halp, we don't know of Chinese monkey story
@luithe the original journey to the west story, or the story in black myth?
if it's the latter, then idk, i tried playing it on stream and it went horribly and i now need to decide to buy a new graphics card to even play it by myself offline...
@ninja8tyu the section used in black myth in the actual story of jounrey to the west
I remember listening to a chinese person talk about this section of the story is a clone of wukong after the original's journey has finished towards the end
Most of us don't know if this section of the story is a clone or some random monkey etc.
@luithe as far as i'm aware, it's just a random monkey on the mountain
the part of the story where sun wukong pisses off the heavens by returning to the mountain and them slaughtering all the monkeys there, i'm not sure took place in the original story, but then again, most of my exposure to it was early early childhood