I wish someone made a brand new open source program that's like Gimp but actually more user friendlier to the point where professionals actually ends up using said program
@wan @SuperSnekFriend @anonicus GIMP is unbelievable trash, it was understandable in the 90s but lost its reason to exist a long, long time ago. Plus it's responsible (indirectly) for GTK and GNOME, thus one of the contributing factors that deprived us the potential 90s-00s future of GNUStep on the desktop.
@allison @SuperSnekFriend @wan @anonicus Its reason to exist is "I can edit images." I can still edit images.
Not being like Photoshop's UI doesn't count as being "user unfriendly". That really is just a skill issue. You need to give something specific that is a problem with GIMP itself.
@SuperSnekFriend @anonicus I used GIMP for years and got good but still hated every moment. I break out in a rash at the thought of having to use it again. :puniko_shrug:
@SuperSnekFriend @anonicus "User-friendly" means a shallow learning curve, useful to noobs; being useful to people that use it frequently is a different concern altogether.
@p @SuperSnekFriend @wan @anonicus Good if it works for you, it certainly doesn't for me.
@allison @SuperSnekFriend @wan @anonicus I'm not going to pretend that people should like it, but it still has a reason to exist until there is a better tool.