My eyes really do glaze over when someone who lives in a total fantasy world starts to lecture.
@judgedread I'm getting like that when people discuss Ukraine and how badly Russia is losing, and the long-term effects of sanctions on the crippled Russian economy.
"Uh huh."
@NoDoxGregBrady I mentioned encountering some shitlibs who were still absolutely certain Ukraine was going to win and was kicking Russia's ass.
I just avoided the subject entirely.
@judgedread @NoDoxGregBrady It's like the Norm McDonald joke.
"It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single time. What are the odds?"
They can't imagine a world where the "good guy" loses. In their mind it's just not possible.
@judgedread @jqueso I just like asking them to name the countries north, east and west of the Ukraine and watching them start to get flustered. Rapid subject change.
@jqueso When a right wing guy tried to bring some facts into the discussion he was completely shut down, immediate crimestop.
@TrevorGoodchild It's not my area of expertise. If I want to troll shitlibs I talk about debt monetization and default.
@judgedread Dog breeding is a fun one that they initially are eager to jump into. Watching the light slowly die in shitlib eyes as I go on about the heritability of temperament, behavior, aggression and intelligence is always particularly enjoyable.