it's unreal how know-nothing plebians can get shilled into buying the dumbest penny stocks while having $0 in their retirement accounts.
I just helped someone unwind their bullshit and the next day one of the stocks drops 95%
@bot believe it or not I know plebians in real life. It's disgusting.
Where are you even talking to these ppl? Are you lying?
@goatmeal wtf is 60/40?
@crunklord420 what's your retard method? do you believe in 60/40?
@goatmeal optimized bogle-influenced 3-fund portfolio. But breaking down the tradition 3-funds into smaller funds for better optimized expense ratios and strategic positioning. Eg.
@crunklord420 a portfolio composed of 60% equities and 40% bonds. so like just telling the person to pick one stock ETF and one bond ETF and allocate it that way
@goatmeal like I don't have any VCIT right now because of the inverted yield curve, but once it evens out and interest rates drop I'll move from SGOV to VCIT. The traditional 3-fund portfolio would just tell you to buy the more expensive BND ETF where you get shit yield compared to short term tbills. Yeah it's timing the market, but it's a huge time horizon, it's macro.
Bonds? Cringe. You don't even have any silver miners. NGMI.
@Hoss @goatmeal it's always mining 😐