- introduces reform2-a311d as a new platform (for RCM4+BPI processor module) - unifies rescue and "full" image into one, more minimal image - we now ship only 2 minimalistic but comfortably customized desktop environments, `sway` and `wayfire` (with our own fork of firedecor for window decorations) - wofi (wayland native) instead of rofi as a launcher - reform-tray as a tray icon menu for finding help and essential system controls - wallpaper "reform-mountains" by Philipp Broemme (CC-BY-SA) - reform-synaptic as a wrapper to run synaptic package management GUI on wayland - autostart of lxpolkit, blueman-applet, nm-applet, pasystray - dunst as notification daemon - foot now default (fast) terminal - firefox now default browser - no longer part of the default image, but can be installed by the user: gnome, KDE, chromium, libreoffice, gimp, inkscape, kicad, freecad, dosbox, etc.