@billseitz It's a tricky thing! Because there isn't much DIY media out there.
Like, my favorite youtubers are CC-BY or CC-BY-SA, but there's no good way to Discover that kind of thing.
All my media (https://vod.newellijay.tv https://expeditionsasquatch.org
etc.) is CC-BY or CC-BY-SA (with the exception of some of the live music, which I have to NC-ND because I don't own the music, and the archives which are mostly Public Domain.
My pal @alcinnz keeps a running list of DRM free media on his website, of course not everything that is distributed DRM free is also distributed under an open license, but it's a good jumping off point: https://adrian.geek.nz/movies.html
Part of the reason I put the effort in to DIY Media is that I fully expect it to be a force amplifier. Making CC-BY-SA media actively encourages the creation of more CC-BY-SA media.