@monsterislandcolonizer @shedinja @CathodeRayGun @mkultra I DID clear it w/ her parents first. That’s why the whole thing took me so flat footed.
It started as “huh…what the hell? I’m going back home, why not invite her to come with? It’s crazy but what do I have to lose? I’ll be moving soon anyways, so we can date for a few months before I leave, and then she can inherit my place and watch the place while I’m working. She gets out into the world, and I get to have someone trustworthy to hold down the fort. Besides, what girl would say yes to moving in after less than a month of dating?“
Then it was “wow she said yes. That’s funny, she’s just a silly girl, I’ll clear it with her parents just to be sure, they’ll have to put their foot down and say no“
BUT I’m a known quantity to both families, they know us and know she’s living somewhere with plenty of family in our extended clan looking out for her. I also gave them my word that all she has to do is say the word and I will graciously take her home without complaint/fight/drama at any time. If they didn’t know me to an extent, it wouldn’t be as simple taking a girl outside state lines w/ an age gap (ours is 9y, so not the most comfy thing to explain to people)