@noyoushutthefuckupdad@monsterislandcolonizer >Plot-wise its probably the worst shounen ever made lol nah there's worse >amazing cartoonist, though. in the 80s, no one drew action and slapstick comedy as well as he did. Agreed. I still prefer the First Dragon ball ark which is adventure/exploration/discovery of the world. When you think about it, it goes like this -Dragon ball: Adventure time ark. -Dragon ball: martial art ark. -Dragon ball: Save the planet from evil Demon ark. -Dragon ball z: Save the planet from evil space monkeys ark. -Dragon ball z: Save the galaxy from Real estate space xenomorph ark. -Dragon ball z: Save the planet from evil bioweapon being made by RR-cyborb ark. -Dragon ball z: Save the universe from evil space wizard and his synthetic bublegum ark. -Dragon ball GT: Save earth with trying to make it like adventure time ark.