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@Giganova8 @ehhh @hazlin I should also add, the Kiwis and Chudbuds madling at anime didn't come out of a vacuum. Two things happened over on that side of the web: Josh tried to run an imageboard in like 2019-2020 called 9chan and he had to deal with CP posters and the like (as is with any dead altboard it seems unfortunately). He drew the conclusion that anime fans are all pedophiles from this (despite the "neko shota" blockland posts and actual posts he's made talking about how he was free speech and didn't care about loli).
The second is that there has been for at least a decade an overlap between nerds (into anime/video games) and the trans community to the point "tranime" has become a common phrase in some circles, moreso when stuff like Boku Girl exists.
Hence, as an example this post by Josh calling anime "Audiovisual HRT" exists, and also various edgelords have also gotten off to the idea that anime is now bad.