@TheMadPirate@coolboymew I will give Sony credit this though: they are very fucking clever at masking certain things or have enough shills willing to defend them.
Case in point: Microsoft and Sony had vastly different approaches in 2013 to the reality that people were using game consoles as multimedia centers ever since the rise of XBMC and later Netflix on every single game console on earth (even the PS2 at one time) and YT players everywhere and then some.
Microsoft's approach was to go all in on making the Xbox both a game console, but with a "media" focus. The One in Xbox One meant that it would be the One media center for your TV watching, video games, and whatnot. This might have been panned far less if it weren't for Microsoft also trying to pander to publishers with a restrictive confusing used game policy that was never even elaborated before it was rolled back (see: "online passes" in late 360 games to combat pirates and GameStop that died out right as Microsoft announced the restrictions).
But the Xbox first party publishers were about making games first. This sounds crazy, but look at what Sony did. Sony was laxer on the used game question but their first party games were all "game developers trying to make games cinematic" down to the PS3 era. Look at TLOU1 for example, the video of the PS3 extended E3 2012 demo wowed the fuck out of people.
In hindsight, it was another typical E3 demo of the era; a potemkin village in software or a high budget demoscene production that as say the Halo 2 E3 devs would later say in their own words was impossible to ship. Then Watch Dogs happened and the downgrade was so shocking and so severe that game developers now just show shitty trailers with nothing to do with the game so they can't have that happening or screwups like games crashing or the controls not working. But TLOU was exactly what normies wanted, a very technically impressive game on paper that felt just like a movie, because to the average normie "just like my heckin movies" is the top benchmark or was seen that way by Sony. Just read the comments on the video I linked as an example. Now we know it's fake, now we know about the fake shit culture at E3, now we know that other games look better now, but in 2012-13 it was impressive.
Let's get back to Sony. Sony's mindset towards the end of the PS3 era and the PS4/5 era in general is that Sony wanted AAA cinematic games. Uncharted and the like were great examples of this, along with how normies saw even games like CoD (video related). There was a creative shift from fantasy, toony games where "looks like a Pixar movie" was the benchmark (the guys at Microsoft claimed this and a Sony PS2 press release said that the chipset would provide graphics as good as CGI movies) towards "bro real graphics like movies". Their whole mindset was to make gaming feel like you're playing a movie instead of using the PS4 as a multimedia center, and needless to say normies ate it up more. yt5s.com-Soulja boy plays MW3!!!-(480p).mp4