Also: >For a majority of folks I’ve kept an eye on over the years, it’s pretty much a ‘Hotel California’ where I just see people get sucked in, develop into the worst of habits, and despite however many times they ‘officially announce’ that they’re “leaving”, they’re always still stuck here.
I'd argue it's different now. They don't announce they're leaving. They just double/triple down on it and attack you for not respecting their identity. This of course is combined with the paradigm shift online; you're never the problem, the world is. The trans community is the perfect example of this, and it's why it's going to end really badly for many people. It's going to be far harder to admit that the shot either didn't work or gave people serious side effects than it is to admit you cut your penis/tits off and fucked up your body's hormone levels because the groomers on Discord/Twitter told you to, and there's already lawsuits.