@Boomerman @Some_German_Guy @d0c40r0 @synapsid @SuperSnekFriend @n8 I choose to be optimistic and expect a lot of it to be lapsed or destroyed by the time they need to burn through it at a rate of 10,000 rds/day. I don’t know how hardy our stuff is with age now, but tiny batteries, aged connectors don’t quite inspire confidence.
I think it was the iowa that had that turret explosion blow some guys up, that happened because they’d stored the powder in hawaii and it broke down, ended up pre-igniting when the rammer was pushing it into the tube. While the basic principle doesn’t apply to modern stuff, I think we’d see similar echoes equipment stored up today. They’ll still have enough ammo to get the job done, but not comfortably, and guys will have to be good at working around a 5-35% dud rate. It’ll be an embarrassing, come-on-man slapfight between giants trying to out-retard each other.
I guess it’s the same take I have on generalized collapse: We can pray for it all we want but the country has far deeper reserves and more buffer to draw on than we think. Everyone thinks things will fall apart but I have my money on being able to fast-forward 10, 20, and 30 years to find things are largely the same, only much spiritually worse in ways you’d never foreseen.
At least with military equipment there are fewer variables, and I can be optimistic that the combined stupidity of 3rd worlders with chip away at it over decades