@Mynona Contrary to how most people perceive them, the Jewish religion is based around their group identity, and all their religious festivals are about the slaughter of their racial enemies. Like, Hannakah. People within the Selucid empire wanted the Jews to assimilate into the larger Greek culture that dominated the Mediterranean. This was unacceptable to the Jews, so they revolted, and even murdered one of their own to prevent it from happening.
Contrast this with other religions. Christians revere Christ for his selflessness and generous virtues. Buddhists revere the Buddha for his wisdom. These religions are not inherently racist. Judaism is. This is why you have atheist Jews like Sarah Silverman. And just because they don't believe in the Abrahamic God, doesn't make them any less racist than those who do.
People don't understand why Jews are disliked, because they never really thought about what their religion actually is. They project Christian values onto them, when they very much reject Christ.
Note: I'm an atheist. I just wanted to point that out so that you don't think that I'm proselytizing.