@MechaSilvio@Rasterman OH THIS IS THE ALAN SAFFRON EPISODE! Yes, I know all about this kike. Abe Saffron was a fucking demon who ran New South Wales's organised crime for years. He owned the police and state politicians. He's also responsible for the Luna Park fire that killed several children (there's a whole thing about that being both insurance scam and some kind of ritual). He ran drugs, prostitution, extortion, bla bla, et cetera. Horrible criminal kike. His son actually wrote a book about him "Gentle Satan" LOL.
>Abe Saffron was one of Australia's most notorious and powerful crime figures. Yet, he spent his life denying any involvement in criminal activity, claiming he was just a successful businessman. Sydney knew otherwise. This was the man who controlled the city's underworld with an iron fist.
>Saffron trafficked in drugs, ran prostitution and gambling rings, was not averse to extreme violence and was a master of bribery and a corrupter of police, politicians and the judiciary.
>The man with a voracious sexual appetite was a real-life Godfather of Australian crime >a vicious world of greed and evil and leaves no doubt that Abe Saffron well and truly deserved the moniker, Mr Sin.