Rage! Confusion! It's a battle in the hallway, as chef David demands his check. He even says they can write it to cash tomorrow. Fed up, Alan sends his wife to write the check.
So, there's another character on the show: the son's girlfriend. The family doesn't like her. Is this a sign she might be White? She's there in the restaurant doing... something.
Gen realises they don't have $1000 to pay the former chef. So Alan figures something out. :jew.png: Just take the money out of his son's account.
The girlfriend steps in and prevents them from stealing more money from their son. It's a recurring theme that no one respects him. But seeing him fire the chef on the spot tells me he doesn't deserve the respect anyway.
Gordon Ramsay realises he's trapped between Hyperborea and Judea and doesn't know when he crossed the threshold. But he's soon going to be stranded in jewspace once the White chef leaves. He's going to need all his vril to make it out of this one safe and sound.