Ramsay tells the owner that "waygu" might sound exotic, but it doesn't automatically tasty. He looks puzzled.
Gordon then asks the chef if he can cook such good burgers, WTF is he doing cooking what the owners say. He tells Ramsay he has to follow the owner's menu or get persecuted for trying to change. The wife steps in to set the record straight:
"He wants to blame me for everything that goes wrong, but I'm not that powerful, chef".
Now I get why @MechaSilvio says she's jewish. :bluedoggo :
"I'm a 64 year old woman. I can't control all this he's saying. How am I that powerful!?".
Gordon keeps talking to the chef about why he prepares that "medium crap" instead of his own good burgers and the wife storms out again. If she's not jewish, she sure played one on TV.