> Hello young retard, we only recruit the very top quadrillionth percent in magic users in the entire world, but somehow you showed up here like you're trying to get hired at starbucks. You seem dumb, I wouldn't hire you to corral shopping carts at walmart
> oops all your coworkers died in an explosion. And the director's nepo-baby daughter was tossed into the phantom zone by an evil demon masquerading as the head of HR. Anyways while she burns in an infinite hellscape, lets give you a promotion. (we will never attempt to save her from her doom)
> anyways before you go out to save the entire plane of reality for all mankind, take this cool jacket, and this cute cape. It helps you do 7% more crit damage once every 48 hours.
oh and btw for all your trouble we're giving you this cute, fertile homonculus girl, have fun!"