@branman65@not_benis@Myles@RaHoWaJoe With all respect, you guys are dreaming. https://archive.ph/Id7uy There have been stories sounding the alarm like this for years now, even with the current Pope. God knew what he was doing saddling us with Francis. A big problem with these surveys has always been that due to Catholicism’s sacramental nature and rich culture, people who rarely or never go to mass identify as Catholic at much greater rates than lapsed evangelicals keep their label. Those who regularly practice the Faith would more closely resemble evangelicals. The worst thing US Catholics was be wets during the Temperance movement, but even the historic support for drinking has been overstated, as Catholics had their own anti-alcohol movement pioneered by Fr. Theobald Mathew. One parish near me even had a Temperance Hall at the time. IMG_1620.jpeg