@monsterislandcolonizer When girls talk your ear off about people things it's easy to tune it out because guys are 'things-people'. We like concrete systems, machines, outcomes more than silly, ephemeral feelings and social connections.
But our women see in social ultraviolet, they help us see things we can't when we're alone. Having a good woman in your pocket can help at work, when you come back from the company Christmas party and begin the post-game.
"ooh so that one partner looked like he's on the way out, I wonder if his spot will be up for grabs."
"what? Why?!?!"
"okay, well I was talking to craig's wife cynthia, the fat one? With the yellow snaggletooth? And she said that his 3rd wife wanted to divorce if he kept spending time at work now that he's retired, but he can't just walk away because he says he doesn't have anyone who can take his place...."
Before you know it you now have a game plan to acquire a promotion in the office because she figured out what's coming down the pike