> The general public is one step away from sitting on a combination recliner/toilet and marathoning “Ouch My Balls”.
It's driven from the complete opposite direction. You build a burger joint and people that show up and buy a burger tend not to be vegetarians, you build a soy hole and you'll get a lot of vegetarians. If you walk into a restaurant and ask the guy what they serve and the guy says "As a member of the general public, that's for you to decide! What do you think we should serve? We're doing a nationwide survey. Until the results are in, we don't know what we serve; I have some cold potatoes floating in tap water if you're hungry while you wait."
There was a fairly good article in 2600 years and years ago (I think it made it into the best-of book), a journo basically wrote an apologia for why journos make the sort of mistakes they do, and the summary is "We have deadlines, so please say the important parts first if you are interviewed, and we can't put in anything if we're not sure enough that it's correct, we have limited column space, so we're looking for two or three sentences we can print, then the editor comes behind me and dumbs it down further", etc. (and that was the 90s, I think, maybe the 80s, but in either case, back when they did try to avoid printing things that they couldn't verify rather than cutting and pasting from Twitter), but he was very clear on the point, and I think the point is something anyone that has read their output could have guessed, but he described the average newspaper reader as an idiot. It doesn't matter whether the average reader *is* an idiot or not, but that the average idiot journo thinks he average reader is an idiot (and, for the last twenty years, journos apparently think the average reader is also extremely gullible).
This, of course, drives a feedback loop. Maybe everyone that keeps up with the news looks at CNN and MSNBC at least once in a while, because those are designed for mass appeal, but not a lot of people read Daily Kos or Mother Jones unless they are left of the typical democrat, not a lot of people read the Babylon Bee unless they're somewhat more conservative than a normie republican, because those are written for an audience of a specific type, and the readers that fit the mold are the ones that read. Then the publication gets feedback from their readers, or they tuck a survey card into the January issue, they spam you with a bunch of popups demanding your consent for extremely invasive tracking and buy a bunch of data from Google and sometimes Facebook, they get what picture they can of their audience, they write for that audience (because they have an idea of that audience; they do not have an idea of the general public), and the more they're willing to pander, the better entrenched they are in their niche.
So, you know, if the readers are idiots, it's because the journos write for idiots. atecubanos--vice_news.mp4