@Misato Publishing is difficult. How does one post and profit from their work without getting vetted or comply to the current agenda? It's technically possible via self-hosting services, but that will still not be enough. It has to gain interest and views without some artificially produced promotion or advertising like "shilling" or sponsorships. You'd have to rely on the word of mouth to promote your work. It doesn't help that there's not much adult fan magazine publications like with COMIC HOTMILK or COMIC LO in the US, either. If there is, it's likely confiscated or limited to promote certain beliefs that are parroted everywhere. Or worse, a possible grift. There's hardly much in Europe or anywhere that's not East Asian, unless you know their language and culture.
Despite the sour state of Western media (particularly animation), I want to make better cartoons, even if the Western animation circles are overwhelmingly small. Sadly, online is the ONLY method for my work to gain popularity without as much scrutiny elsewhere. There are attempts to resolve this like with independent comic creators (like Eric July's Rippaverse), but they look too much like those Big Two comic companies. It's not gonna show up in stores however since they're still restrictive. Even the independent comics scene in the US was limited back then. It'll change when someone has a mass printing press that can easily produce thousands of those cute and funny comics for the disenfranchised dudes to enjoy (I hope). 6095fd3365490872397731a79d9689aa.jpg 2576625-comic_hot_milk_v_35.jpg 800px-Akiba-Sofmap-1st-Store-In-Akihabara-768x496.jpg