@coolboymew@Oaghaji In Yie Ar KF you can get far abusing the jumping distance and kicks. Some other fun early ones: Karateka; kind of a fighting game with a story. Made by the Prince of Persia guy, but with all the emphasis on the fighting instead of platforming. Very aesthetic and moody game.
IK and IK(+) on the C64 is a cool one too, and the plus one is even 3 players.
The thing with pre-SF2 fighting games, and what made it so they didn't "take off" the way SF2 did, is that they tend to be strict on attack distance in both ways (both far and near) and so unfun until you learn that positioning game. So if you're too close your attack misses, you see your limb go straight through the opponent, and the game feels floaty and not fun. Or if you're too far your realistically proportioned character's short arm doesn't reach and you don't feel like you can hit anything without basically putting yourself into range of the CPU who seems to knows exactly what distance he can connect at.
SF2 beat that by a) ignoring the near distance; if the attack visually connects, you will hit, and b) using cartoonish characters with long limbs. So beginners can immediately jump in and feel like they're at least hitting something, even if they're losing. Add to that extra dopamine hits through supremely crunchy sound and animations and you have a game that feels very different even though it didn't actually invent all that much.