
Screenshot of monitor: On the left half is a terminal window split in half with both halves showing log output from separate instances of the End-to-end-encrypted Kitten Chat example. Among the output is an object: inbox received: { cipherText: 'd82535d79022…', from: 'place2.localhost:444', to: 'place1.localhost' } as well as log output stating that a Kitten /chat.socket message from place2.localhost:444 to place1.localhost has been broadcast to 1 recipient. In a floating pane on top of the log output is the source code for the Message.component showing it returning an html snippet with a list item (<li>) with x-data and x-init attributes. x-data='{messageText: "${message.cipherText}"} x-init="$nextTick(_ => decryptMessage("${message.cipherText}", "${message.from}", "${message.to}")). Inside the <li> tag is a <span x-text='messageText>${message.cipherText}</span> The right-hand side of the screen has two browser windows showing the End-to-end encrypted Kitten Chat example. The top one is at https://place1.localhost/private/, the bottom at https://place2.localhost:444. Both show Status: online. The chat transcript reads: place1.localhost → place2.localhost:444 Hello, I am a kitten place2.localhost:444 → place1.localhost Meow! place2.localhost:444 → place1.localhost I too am a kitten place1.localhost → place2.localhost:444 Meow, meow! There is a To: and Message: box and a send button on the interface. - 076萌SNS