“yeah I pretty much only play them to hatewatch them now”
THEN DO LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE MAN. There are so many better, more enjoyable hobbies, but people love coming back to the only trough of slop they know.
They’ll buy this month’s $70 bullshit faggot extravaganza and whine about how bad it is until the NEXT $70 bullshit faggot extravaganza comes out, spending time watching people argue and bitch about both of them until they turn that game off for the last time and never, ever think about it again for the rest of their life. How many games are like that for you? Those garbage ones you finish and literally never touch again for the rest of your life? That’s most of them for me.
At this point when I’m paired off with a dude under 40 with a BMI more than 35 or so I know I’m in store for a boomeresque 6-hour convo from a guy who just can’t let go