I haven't read it whole yet, but probably the most shocking practice described is when Russian authorities issue a completely new, fake birth certificates for toddlers and children under 5 before giving them away to foster families. This makes it practically impossible for their actual parents to even find their children abducted by Russians — their children simply cease to exist in Russian legal system and acquire an entirely new identity, new "previous parents", new birthplace etc.
While some children have returned from Russia to Ukraine, the process is extremely difficult and Russians made everything to ensure it doesn't happen to often. Parents in Ukraine applying for return of their children need to precisely specify their children's location in Russia, address and other details, which is usually only possible with teenagers who are able to find their parents and give then that information, because Russian authorities won't.
However inhumane that sounds, it seems like the resource most looted from Ukraine by Russia wasn't tractors and grain. Russia treats the captured children entirely instrumentally, like some kind of war trophy, which seems to match pretty well their current fixation on demographic decline which resulted in abortion bans and a number of other cargo cult measures.