tl:dr white people have always been in the Americas post the great worldwide flood. Before the flood, Florida was the nation of Atlantis (it used to be bigger, and the oceans levels lower, so the certain cities in modern day Florida we're it's capitol hubs, but a greater harbor and other cities extented into what is nowadays the Gulf of Mexico down into the waters and regions surrounding Cuba. There are LIDAR scans of Mexico style pyramid complexs under the water off the coast of Cuba.
Also the southern US was the location of the garden of Eden, it was around the Georgia/Florida border.
It also helps that I pretty much live in the closest place your gonna get to an mostly white ehtnostate in America, Idaho. Black people are more rare here and they are usually African immigrants or half white/mixed black people that I shit you not love country music and country western bars. It's not unusual to pull up to a black dude at the red light blasting country music
Also though, America actually is a pretty large land mass. The entire earth's population could stand shoulder to shoulder, in rows, and they would fill the city limits of Jacksonville Florida.
So we could just cordon of areas of America and say this is for the blacks, this is for the whites (asians stay with us), this for the latins, good luck! All pajeets are deported to Canada, sorry graf.
Trump promises to deport all the mexskins, imagine if he joined with the governments of Kenya or Rwanda to encourage repartiation, the true reparations. We'll buy them plane tickets, parting gifts. So based... First suggesting, then now longer suggesting to get the FUCK OUT.
Well tbh, the Jews and affluent investors funded Hip Hop and rap music when it was early on because they were investing in private prisons. Even the rap phenomenon N. W. A., Niggers with Assholecancer had a Jewish manager that literally hired ex-mossad to bodygaurd for them.
I actually do have a couple black friends in my life that are really cool people and are smart and level headed. I really like the guys, but at the same time, 100% I agree with the fact that the majority are a violent menace, I don't trust them and I agree with you guys too.
So it feels kind of like a paradox.
I generally don't trust people at all and am a very guarded and paranoid person IRL. But I give everyone a fair shake, and if I get to know you over time and your a cool person that has it together, does awesome things, then yeah, I don't care what you look like.
AND icing on the cake pro-palenstine leftoid protestors have been chanting shit at Nancy Pelosi's house till the wee hours of the morning making the old wino hag fucking pissed off, want a timeline...
Bro I've been low key following the embarassing crime wave in Oakland recently and I love the store shut downs. Walmart left, CVS closed down (citing employee safety), Star Bucks shut down, now Dennys (that has been open since the 1950s) closed. Corpos in downtown Oakland are hiring private security to escort their employees to their cars South Africa style. Bro WTF the nigs have gone wild and all the fart huffing progressives are fucking looney tunes for defunding the police!!