@ammoniumperchlorate I disagree about the IT security. IT security and hacking were invoked like magic in that story, and with a realistic depiction instead, that story wouldn’t have worked. Real life hacking doesn’t often work, and is exceptionally time consuming.
I’ve just finished watching Pantheon, a US-made animated sci-fi series, and it was great. I’d highly recommend it if you’re into sci-fi. The writing was very good, it builds intelligently and respectfully on previous works in the genre and the animation’s visuals are great with some highlights that would not look out of place in a work by Satoshi Kon.
@f4grx@azonenberg At 38C3, someone presented how they did Toslink over fiber using standard SFPs. The TLDR is that 1G SFPs eat pretty much any signal down to a few hundred kHz, and only in 10G SFPs do refiners get into the way. Also they found some newer 1G SFPs are really just relabeled 10G ones and therefore don’t work.
@Daojoan "scared of AI" as in "scared of mold". Like mold, it's not going to become sentient and eat us all. But also like mold, it has a tendency to spoil previously good things, and my preferred amount of it in my (information) diet is zero with very few, carefully selected exceptions. Those exceptions, or the bries among the internet mold that is AI, are things like automatic transcription or translation.
@mntmn I wrote to that address about some major logistical questions of a big art installation I'm planning to bring like, a month ago, and I didn't get a response yet.
@gravitos I don't believe firefox is the perfect browser. There is always room to improve. It's just a lot better than chrome, and more importantly, aligned with it's users interests. Sometimes the second worst option is all we've got.
Since it seems #Google has decided to uni-laterally force through their new anti-#adblock#DRM euphemistically named "Web environment integrity", I decided to add a little bit of code to my website that blanks out the page and displays a protest message with a link to the firefox download page when you visit it from a browser with this DRM feature. Here's the source inside one toot, feel free to copy and put it at the end of your website's <body> before the closing tag:
<script>if(navigator.getEnvironmentIntegrity!==undefined)document.querySelector('body').innerHTML='<h1>Your browser contains Google DRM</h1>"Web Environment Integrity" is a Google euphemism for a DRM that is designed to prevent ad-blocking. In support of an open web, this website does not function with this DRM. Please install a browser such as <a href="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/">Firefox</a> that respects your freedom and supports ad blockers.';</script>
@Spacehuhn I think a part of the negative effects of the system on open source is that it messes up the metrics people use to gauge success. A successful open source project is perceived to need many users and a pathway to commercialization, while in a healthy open source ecosystem unmonitizable semi-bespoke niche software might be just as valuable, perhaps because there is nothing else and its handful of users really, really appreciate it, or perhaps for the educational value in its design.
I am doing #electronics, #embedded programming, #python scripting, hardware security and recently some sewing.Email: whatever you like at my domain. I've got a catch-all alias.Pronouns: er/they