He's making a point that the jews will do as they wish, regardless of law. This is correct, but I believe not entirely. There's some nuance to it. I do not believe in "do what thou wilt" here. If that was the case I'd support obvious gayops like Blood Tribe.
I don't know about you but this is the gayest, most hamfisted attempt at making "da Nazis" look like cartoon supervillains. Is National Socialism about loving your people and building a better future, or is it about being obnoxious? If it's the latter, I won't call myself one anymore. These people, in my opinion, serve as a strawman to what "we" actually believe. National Socialism is a system of governance, not a religious dogma. I will not look at it any other way because that is gay and retarded.
I am not of the mind that all White people should be "banded" with. I don't see the point. I'm not going to shake hands with a pedophile, nor a back biter or anything of the sort, despite them being White. I am not saying that's what BT does, I was just providing an example. There are Whites, I think, that will do nothing other than kneecap our progress to wake up the normies or get people to our side because they cannot stand back for one solitary second and think about the shit they say or do. Bowers was a retard. Tarrant was a retard.
>hurr durr based dey kill da jews and da muslims
Yeah and now jews and muslims are permanent victims which these events can be referred to in order to shut down any argument to their perpetual victimhood. You ever notice how none of these "based" retards ever go after anyone high profile? It's never an anti White politician or NGO, it's always run of the mill people. Why is that? New Zealanders got new anti gun legislation due to Tarrant's mass murder. What was the purpose? It's fucking stupid.
I like PF because they push the envelope but they do it in such a way where it's at least digestible to people who are tired of the bread and circuses but aren't quite on board with the jew thing yet. Their focus is on family, nation and duty. If I was a normalfag and saw a group like Blood Tribe I'd immediately think the worst of National Socialists. Yes, I support them flying the swastika. I think the demonstration at that one pedophile groomer drag queen story hour whatever (I think it was in Ohio), was excellent. You must match and even exceed the enemy's vitriol at points. It's not about the swastika. It's about the presentation.
I agree. If I ever came to power in this country I have a lot of things I would do but ethnic cleansing wouldn't be one of them. I know I must be an anti-White jew because I am not on board with murdering millions of people but my focus would be on undoing all of the jewry that has been done to this nation and I would do it with an iron fist.
People are seeking a leader. Even normies would be on board with White nationalism if it meant they could feed their families better. You have to make life better for the average person. The rest will fall in to place. You have to be the mouth piece for the people, and not be afraid to say what is on the minds of the average American who just wants to be left alone. The average American is not thinking of how cool Hugo Boss uniforms are or how sick the fashwave aesthetic is. They just want to put food on the table for their families. They want to go on vacation from work. They want to be paid a fair and living wage. Not everyone has to be a die hard National Socialist but they will be sympathetic to the ideology if you just fucking help them. It is not that difficult.
That's not how this works at all. The Y2K way of thinking makes people vastly underestimate modern technology. Yes if you program a computer to get stuck in a loop it will crash but it can also be programmed to handle those crashes. There will be no point where the singularity comes and humanity wins because we are made of flesh and bone rather than circuit boards and capacitors.