This is the problem with people of your persuasion. You are like jews. No matter what I say, it is water off a ducks back, and then you pretend as if I never said it, and that your false narrative is factually correct.
kike is a word from 100 years ago. jew does not mean Israelite. Jesus was an Israelite from Nazareth, a town north of Samaria. Jesus was only a "jew" in the fact that He kept the laws of Moses, as I already stated to you.
Jesus has no biological relation to the people who call themselves jews, nor does he practice their religion. Jesus was God who came for a specific purpose; to redeem His sheep and to form a new covenant with them.
You're basically saying that all Europeans are niggers, because niggers live in Europe. I'm making a distinction, and you're saying you don't care, niggers are niggers.
I'm not a big "Antichrist" respector like most Christians think of it, But it is curious that they think they are waiting for a messiah and christians an anti-messiah.
Personally I just think they are confused as to what Jesus will be returning for, and it isn't to give them 2400 slaves.
I honestly don't know the answer to that. I assume it's either in the quran, or it's some corruption from one of their sand nigger rabbis.
The 2400 is in the talmud I believe. I've seen videos of rabbis and Israeli jews talking about it. It's really fucking cringe. They think the Mashiach will come to institute his thousand year reign during Tikkun Olam, and they'll get 2400 goyim slaves each.
I reject your source. The books of Moses were written by Moses, but the histories contained in those books existed in other forms. Imagine you're an author creating a story. You take notes and work in fragments until you cobble together the entire work.
The Israelites, just like everybody else, recorded important information in writing and kept it, and Moses used some of it.
But that's also neither here nor there, because according to Moses, God narrated to him, so any previous record would be immaterial.
I don't mind. He's at least civil about it. He doesn't believe. A lot of people who should don't, and a lot of people who do, believe completely batshit made up stuff. 🤷
I just don't understand why the anti-jew/christ people think God isn't real, but always want to tell me what religious jews say is going to happen. If God isn't real, then they're just making shit up, so why worry about it.
the word "jew" in the bible is no different than the word "brit" is today. It is a contraction of a person who was a Judean, like brit is a british person.
I can easily prove that as early as the time of Joshua conquering the land of Canaan, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah were mixed race populations.
jewish people claim they are Israelites. They are fucking liars. I honestly have no idea why you believe them, outside of your desire to reject Christianity altogether. That is your right, I'm not gonna try and convert you, but be more intellectually honest. Just hate Christianity for what it is. I hate the churches as well.